die TUTU queen (トゥートゥークイーン)!

tutu queen1tutu queen2


from ステラの星

the tutu queen (this is wad the english players call her) but she's actually called the doudou queen in jtw. she drops the tutu egg and that's why i'm hunting her. however she's very hard to find. her spawn rate varies btw 10 mins to 1 hr or maybe more.

my stab/agi naya and puni !

me and puni

currently im also rushing to complete ddsat2 because sch is restarting in like 1 weeks time. SIGH. but the story is sad.. i'm left with oni 3 chars : sera, gale and cielo. 1 good thing about ddsat2 is that there are no lousy characters. all the characters have their weaknesses and strengths depending on their alma. and that is why all of them are powerful.

K0towari 12:10

talesweaver ペット

my pet just hatched from the egg around yesterday in talesweaver (jtw) after leaving it overnight for 3 days. i had to wake up every 6 hrs to feed it. btw my pet is a dragon.

firstly hatching the egg bought from the merchant store in clad requires 50-55 hrs. the egg is put into the incubator and the incubator is on. that's when the timer starts counting down.

The egg is bubbling. (28mins left)
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btw this time the owner will go and hunt food for the pet. there are 2 bars in the incubator. the left (green bar) marks the hygiene and right (red bar) marks the pets hunger. if both bars go too low the pet will die. moving the mouse nxt to it as show in the picture will list down the foods the pet can eat for that certain bar. feeding the correct food for each bar increases it by about 2-3%. you should not overfeed the pet.

The egg is cracking a bit (14mins left)
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The baby dragon is about to be born (1 mins left)
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Finally its out.
Some ss of tw..
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K0towari 08:33

phantom brave END

yet another game completed. >.< i'm running out of games again and there haven't been that many new releases. most are available around the end of the mth. like magna carta, rhapsodia..
phantom brave is another nippon ichi game that i've played and it has a great storyline. frankly i prefer phantom much more than la pucelle. however i find the confining phantom system a bit troublesome as phantoms that are summoned in to battle to aid Marona have only a few turns before they disappear and can never be summoned for that battle again. the enemies and bosses also get pretty overlevelled during some points of the game. they suddenly jump like 30 levels above the previous dungeons or chapters. training can also be a pain unless u can create very high leveled random dungeons and give them the failure title and let ur characters gain the bonus xp. but it's not that easy anyway. i just decided to play phantom brave once thru because there's not much point getting all the secrets anyway. too get all the secrets ur characters have to crazily overpowered and overlevelled and the secret character join u at lv 1. it's not like makai kingdom where a lv 1 seedle can jump up to lv 400 in the food dungeons u know..

K0towari 17:17

comments about blogpet

blog pet. this little thing is hard to set up.
your blog . . .
1. must support RSS feeds. blogpet won't accept atom feeds such as those of blogspot. and that is why blogspot is not recommended. however you can acquire the RSS feed if you're using blogger PRO because of an additional option that allows the user to access the RSS feed.
2. should preferably be in japanese because blogpet will read your blog's RSS feeds and pick out mostly the japanese words. blogpet will also pick out some english words but the process is slow.
3. must have these
- blogID
- blog API URL link
the blogpet settings must be done to give permission for it to post entries and comments. and the username and password.
4. macromedia flash and js support to display blogpet.
and in order to to view the contents of the flash that are in japanese you either need unionway japanese language support or u will need to change your regional settings in your PC's control panel to Japanese.
all this information pertaining to blogpet are from blogpet.net and other blogs. i hope anybody who wants to set up a blogpet may find this useful. puni (my blogpet) is reading the RSS feed on my another blog so he won't post any entries or comments on this blog.

K0towari 19:46

new updates on jrock

slowly tuning back into jrock i'm getting a little bit more updated. it's been so long since i listened to a new jrock song! firstly D has a new look, has produced some new albums and singles. and i tink it seems that ruiza likes dogs. his diary has a few pictures of dogs o.O. it'll be hard to find D songs and other jrock songs now that i don't use soulseek to find my songs. it'll be even harder to get original copies. i don't mind paying for a decent jrock cd but singapore doesn't import much indies albums anymore. last time i bought la'mule climax from hmv at $70sgd. that time tower records had been importing indies cds on special orders. but now they don't. so the only way is to order from online stores such as third stage but i will need to go through money order.. i still have my third stage card but i haven't used it for a long time... i wonder if its still valid. also nightmare and gazette produced many new songs. i liked nightmare's raven loud speakers...

here are some pv shots :

the pv can be found here... it's a really good song and yomi looks so cool singing with a loud speaker ^^! miyavi has a new album too... called miyavism o.O. anyway i really like the kekkon shiki no uta pv u can view it here...

K0towari 20:49

growlanser 3

having completed growlanser 3 i learnt that growlanser 4 is already out but in jap =/. and it was out since 2003, it's already 2 yrs from now so i really doubt there will be a english release. no point playing the jap release because if i can't understand jap i won't know the mission requirements to complete the missions. unless there's a faq or translation guide project on the game, which i haven't found. also it's an old game so i don't tink game shops have it anymore. it's also a 2D game not very popular on ps2. and if not for atlus, many japanese games would not have a us release at all. it's sad that i wun be able to play growlanser 4 =(.

K0towari 09:38